- About Us
- PMGSY Guidelines
- Documents
- Operations Manual
- Grameen Sampark
- Core Network
- World Bank
- Asian Development Bank
- Standard Bidding Document
- Model Bidding Documents-Word Bank
- Accounting & Audit Manuals
- Quality Assurance Handbook For Rural Roads Volume-I
- Office Manual
- Quality Assurance Handbook for Rural Roads Volume-II
- Human Resource Policy
- Handbook on Maintenance of Rural Roads In India
- Budgets
- Maintenance of Rural Roads: Guidance Note for States
- Annual Action Plan
- Procurement And Contract Management Manual
- Internship Scheme of NRIDA
- Technical Documents
- Advertisements / Circulars
- International Conference
- State Conference Documents
- Booklets
- Presentations
- International Conference Website
- Brochure
- State Conference Documents
- Maintenance
- Rural Roads Maintenance Policies Of States
- Brochures on Rural Roads Maintenance
- Training Modules on Rural Roads Maintenance
- Impact Assessment Study of Improved Rural Roads Maintenance
- Strengthening the Capacity of Panchayati Raj Institutions – Managing Maintenance of Rural Roads
- Quality
- Guidelines on action to be taken on the Reports of the National Quality Monitors
- Empanelment of SQM's under UPRRDA
- Guidelines on Quality Assurance and Control Mechanism
- Guidelines on action to be taken on the Reports of the SQM's
- Guidelines on performance evaluation of National Quality Monitors
- Guidelines for Performance Evaluation of SQM
- SQM Inspection format- Maintenance works
- SQM Guidelines and Format
- Checklist For visit of area officers
- SQM Inspection Report Format
- De-empanelment of State Quality Monitors (SQMs)
- List of SQM’s (State Quality Monitors)
- List of SQC’s
- List of SQM Emeritus
- Training/Meeting
- iGOT Presentations
- 1. Advance Programme-Planning Design _Construction of Long Span Bridges-(Batch I)-22
- Prof M R Madav-Advanced Concept in the Geotechnical
- Pro MR Madav-Considerations in Design of BridgesN
- Shri Arvind Kumar Jaiswal-Seismic Effects on Performance of Long Span Bridges(1)
- Shri S Sai BABA-Sustainable design of long span Bridge
- Shri P G Venkat Ram Bridge Construction method and the failures Associated Method and the failures associated with them
- Sri P G Venkat Ram - Quality control measures that can prevent Bridge failures
- Shri S Sai Baba - Innovative launching
- L01- CSRK_PMGSY_T2022P3_QAQ 2122030341
- L02-Construction and Quality control of Subgrade and Granular layers
- L03- PMGSY_QC_55_03032022
- L04-GRK_Testing Cement Cement Concrete
- L05-PMGSY Soil properties
- L06- PMGSY_SS_Roughness_04032022
- L07-VR
- L08_VC_LTUB_4MAR2022_1
- L09-VR
- L10- PMGSY_NDT_SS_05032022
- L11_VC_LTMB_5MAR2022
- L12_VC_MMBMD_5MAR2022
- 3. GIS Curriculum for UPRRDA
- 4. New Technologies used in UPRRDA Roads
- Lecture 0 Introduction of New Technologies
- Lecture 1-White topping. Short Panel Concrete Pavements and Cell filled concrete pavements
- Lecture 2-Roller compacted concrete pavements and Interlocking concrete block pavements
- Lecture 3- Utilization of waste plastic in Low volume Roads
- Lecture 4-Stabilization Methods for Low Volume Roads
- Lecture 5- Mord Specification for Low Volume Road
- Lecture 6- Design of Flexible Pavements for LVR Reinforced with Geosynthetics
- Lecture 7-Surface Dressing
- Lecture 8-Use of Geosynthetics in Low Volume Roads
- 5. Pavement Design Construction and Maintenance
- 6. Preparation of DPR
- 7. Procurement of services
- 8. Road Safety Audit
- 1. Advance Programme-Planning Design _Construction of Long Span Bridges-(Batch I)-22
- Training Programmes
- Training Modules
- Training Institutions
- List of Trained Engneers & Contractor Staff
- Schedule of Training
- Login And Participation
- List of Certified Road Safty Audtiors
- Meeting
- iGOT Presentations
- Resource Center
- Photo Gallery
- External Links
- E-Marg Letters